Focal infections research
The focal infection is a chronic, i.e. persistent, inflammation at one point in the body, from which pathogens or their breakdown products produce a so-called secondary disease at a distant point in the body.
The focal infection is a chronic, i.e. persistent, inflammation at one point in the body, from which pathogens or their breakdown products produce a so-called secondary disease at a distant point in the body.
Dr. Ágnes Balla, a microscopic specialist dentist, explains how root canal treatment under a microscope is different and offers more benefits.
A loupe, or magnifying glass, is a specially designed tool used by dentists and oral surgeons to increase accuracy and precision in their work. In this article, we take a detailed look at why it’s a good idea for your dentist to use a loupe.
Cofferdam is a material used in dental care to provide absolute isolation around the tooth being treated by the dentist. In today’s blog post, we will take a closer look at cofferdam.
Modern dentistry is bringing many innovations to patient comfort and treatment efficiency. One such revolutionary tool that facilitates dental diagnosis, planning and the preparation of dental prostheses is the oral scanner.
Dr. Dániel Hős, a dentist, gives an overview of how modern imaging techniques help us in our work, in connection with our previous blog.
In today’s blog, Dr. Daniel Hős reminds you why it is important to have a dental check-up every year.
As Dr. Kristóf Forgó, a periodontist, wrote in our previous blog, bleeding gums is a typical form of periodontal disease. In today’s blog, we will look at the background of bleeding gums with our dental specialist.
In today’s blog we explore the topic of periodontology, written by Dr. Kristóf Forgó, a specialist periodontist.
Biofilm, also known as dental plaque, is an invisible layer that forms on hard surfaces above the gums, such as teeth, implants, dentures and braces.
Developing a health-conscious lifestyle means taking into account a wide range of factors, including a balanced diet, regular exercise and stress management.
Everyone knows that brushing and flossing is important for maintaining healthy teeth. But many people don’t take the need for regular dental check-ups seriously enough.
A holistic approach means that we don’t just treat your teeth and oral cavity, but also take into account your whole body and lifestyle.
If you have an acute dental problem, find a solution in the relaxed, friendly dental office of Trendo Dental! If you feel like taking a step towards health consciousness for your teeth, learn about Trendo Dental's innovative approach to dentistry!
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